Editor’s Mixing Bowl
As you read this, you may have just cast your ballot in the mid-term election, and while it’s appropriate to congratulate yourself for doing so, you are not done yet. You still need to go online and vote for your Local Heroes of the East Bay food community. You’ll find more information on how to do that below.
While you are looking over the categories—Chef/Restaurant; Food Shop; Farm/Farmer; Food/Beverage Artisan; Non-Profit Organization—please do me a big favor and give serious thought to your choices. We’re not necessarily interested in being reminded about the famous few who everyone out there has already agreed are “the best” in each of those categories, but rather, we want to hear about the people and businesses you have come to know through your personal experience in our local food community, those who you think are making some special contribution. Feel free to tell us why, and if the online form doesn’t give you enough room, send an email to editor@edibleeastbay.com and elaborate on why you think this person, business, or organization deserves special recognition.
And, of course, if you are one of those people who still likes to do things the old-fashioned way, please feel free to handwrite your votes and notes and mail them to us at the “Contact Us” address to the right of the pitchfork. Voting deadline is Friday, December 3, 2010.
Speaking of “writing us,” we received a letter to the editor addressing a statement made in the article on natural wines that was in our Harvest 2010 issue. We want to share the letter, along with the article writer’s response, but to see those, you’ll need to visit the Online Magazine version of this issue at edibleeastbay.com. Look for the Letters to the Editor department. We always look forward to thoughts from readers. This is a true community magazine, after all, so your voice counts.
Cheryl Angelina Koehler
Edible East Bay