Saving Seeds

Seed-saving advocate Rebecca Newburn in her thriving Richmond garden. Photo by Scott Peterson.
Our summer issue is out! And we have something special this time: A new online video by Scott Peterson accompanies our story about Rebecca Newburn and the seed-saving movement. Enjoy!
In this newsletter:
● Video Release: A Face-Place Story features
seed-saving dynamo Rebecca Newburn
● Meet the hogs, turkeys, and fainting goat
at Grabishfarm – May 23
● Lentil Underground author Liz Carlisle talks seeds – May 23
● Kick back with Jamaican jerk to benefit My Yute Soccer – May 25

Rebecca Newburn at the Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library. Photo by Scott Peterson.
Seeds on Screen
Copies of the magazine arrive at local farmers markets and stores over the coming days. Pick-up spots are listed here. Our summer issue is packed with wonderful stories and recipes, including Sarah Henry’sfeature on urban farmers who grow produce specifically for local restaurants. And if you’d like to try your hand at seed-saving, visit the Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library in the main branch of the Richmond Public Library for seeds and instructions. Info:
Seed libraries are threatened by government regulations that equate seed sharing with commercial seed sales. Express your support for the freedom to share seed within communities by signing this petition:here

Above: Poultry in the eucalyptus grove at Grabishfarm. Below: Tim, the fainting goat buck. Photos by Kyle Shibuya.
Open House at a Peaceable Kingdom
Come out to the farm to celebrate the first annual National Heritage Livestock Breeds Day. Meet the animals, and enjoy a walk in the garden. Free. Kids welcome. Read more about all the creatures large and small at Grabishfarm in our new summer issue. Info: here or 707.689.2960
Saturday May 23, 10am–4pm
Open House at Grabishfarm
7131 Batavia Rd, Dixon
Battling Big Ag
Berkeley resident and author Liz Carlisle talks about her new book, Lentil Underground, which depicts some colorful pioneers bucking the entrenched power of agribusiness. Presented by the Berkeley Public Library and the Ecology Center, the talk is followed by a discussion with Neil Thapar of the Sustainable Economies Law Center on the legality of seed sharing. Ecology Center staff discuss the Bay Area Seed Interchange Library(BASIL). All are encouraged to bring seeds to share and swap with your neighbors and BASIL. Info: here
Saturday May 23, 2pm
Meet Lentil Underground author Liz Carlisle
Berkeley Public Library, Main Branch
2090 Kittredge St, Berkeley
Tasty Teamwork
My Yute Soccer pairs up with top chefs for the sixth annual Jamaican Jerk Cook-Off. Come taste jerk-inspired recipes from generous local chefs donating their time: James Syhabout of The Dock at Linden Street Brewery, Chris Pastena from Chop Bar, and Sergio from Nora Spanish Cuisine. The event also features live steel-pan music, kids zone tunes, and more. Funds raised benefitMy Yute Soccer, which provides free soccer camps for kids ages 6–12 and mentorship opportunities for teens, while also promoting awareness of socio-cultural differences. Cost: $50 includes unlimited jerk and craft brew tastings. Free for children under 12. Info: here
Monday May 25, 1–5pm
The Dock at Linden Street
95 Linden Street Oaklan