Farm-Fresh Produce at Your Doorstep

 When winter rolls around, a CSA box from the Capay Valley Farm Shop features enticing items like these. Photo courtesy of Good Eggs.

When winter rolls around, a CSA box from the Capay Valley Farm Shop features enticing items like these. Photo courtesy of Good Eggs.

Wouldn’t it be nice to come home to a box of fresh-picked produce delivered direct from farms in the Capay Valley? The Capay Valley Farm Shop recently began offering delivery of CSA boxes filled with tree-ripe fruit and heirloom veggies to homes and offices in the greater Bay Area. As a farm hub, the shop aggregates produce from 43 small and mid-scale growers, so CSA customers receive a delicious mixture of goodies from various farms. Subscribers who opt for pick-up rather than delivery can add items a la carte to their box, including pasture-raised eggs, olive oil and vinegar, grains and nuts, and pasture-raised meats. Most items are organic, and boxes come in various sizes. The Farm Shop also offers a MeatShares subscription, providing a monthly selection of local and pasture-raised beef, pork, lamb, goat, quail, and more.

The sunny, fertile Capay Valley is in Yolo County between Sacramento and the Bay Area, about 80 miles north/northeast of Oakland. The Farm Shop has operated its

Peppers from Riverdog Farm are a favorite for CSA customers. Photo courtesy of Capay Valley Farm Shop.

Peppers from Riverdog Farm are a favorite for CSA customers. Photo courtesy of Capay Valley Farm Shop.

CSA program since 2010, providing food for individuals as well as institutions and wholesale customers. Their goal as a food hub is to serve medium, small, and very small local farms and to help develop new ones. Food Hubs are particularly attractive for small growers because the hub can provide processing, distribution, and marketing services that would otherwise present a formidable challenge. Visit the Farm Shop website to see the week’s current mix and to sign up for a CSA box.

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See lots more CSA options in Edible East Bay’s CSA Guide.