Fishy Fact-Finding

Crispy King Salmon with Thyme Butter; Original Real Good Fish Recipe by Kevin Butler.
(Photos courtesy of Real Good Fish)
Real Good Fish is expanding their CSF to the East Bay. The “community supported fishery” works like a produce CSA subscription, but for fish and seafood. They’re hoping to reel in some info from local fish lovers who might want to join. Take the survey here.
Real Good Fish is able to provide “boat to table” offerings by working with 25 local fishermen as well as sustainable shellfish farms. Fish is typically caught 1–2 days before delivery, then filleted, bagged, and labeled. It’s packed into coolers and delivered to convenient neighborhood pick-up spots. The group also partners with the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District to bring popular items like fish tacos into school cafeterias. A similar Bay2Tray project is underway in Oakland. Info: here