Earl Grey Vodka
From DIY Gifting, Season’s Steepings by Annelies Zijderveld
Illustration by Jillian Schiavi
Years ago, St. George Spirits collaborated with Numi Organic Tea on a tea-infused vodka. Here’s a way to bring them together again in a spirit the Earl Grey tea drinker can appreciate. Oil derived from bergamot orange skin gives Earl Grey tea its slightly bitter, smoky fruit flavor. Steep the tea for 1½ hours and you’ll have a pleasing sipping vodka with high bergamot notes and less tannin. The longer steeping time called for in this recipe brews a tea-laced spirit ready to mix into a Lemon Drop or Vodka Collins.
2 Earl Grey tea bags (tags removed)
1 (750ml) bottle vodka
Toss the tea bags into a large 32-ounce glass jar and pour the vodka over them in a swirling motion. Seal the jar and place in a cool, dark cupboard for 24 hours. Remove the tea bags, pressing to extract all the liquid before discarding them. Pour the tea-steeped vodka into a glass bottle, then seal and store the bottle in your liquor cabinet.