Seasonal Recipes, Month by Month

Try out a new vegetarian dish each month with help from Helen Krayenhoff’s artistic recipe book. Photos courtesy of Helen Krayenhoff.
Oakland-based artist and gardener Helen Krayenhoff, formerly on staff at Edible East Bay, has just completed a book of illustrated recipes for the 12 months of the year. Here’s her description of the book and her process for creating it:
My recipe book is just fresh off the press. I spent some time this fall writing down some of my favorite ways to prepare seasonal veggies. Then, every day for 12 days, I went out to my studio and painted each one and posted them on Instagram. I loved the process! My friends at Autumn Press did a wonderful job printing and binding this book. Each month features a simple, tasty way to prepare a seasonal vegetable, and all recipes are vegetarian.
Cost: $9.99 each. Wirebound book measures 6 inches by 5 inches. Printed on 100{94d79dd6af1e87a94e700e4c297236468333f22e27ed5757b44711974a9a4b91} recycled cardstock and wrapped in a compostable corn-plastic sleeve.
Order from Helen’s shop on Etsy.