Tour Oakland Coffee Territory



Explore the world in a cup with the new Oakland Indie Coffee Passport. Support Oakland’s indie cafés by purchasing a $13 passport valid for a drink at each of 11 participating shops. Visit cafes throughout the city like Red Bay Coffee Roasters, Enssaro Café, 1812 Coffee Company, Beulah’s Bean Truck, and more. Each stop offers a choice of six drinks, including tea. “The idea is to get people to try out and experience the blossoming independent coffee scene in Oakland and to explore a variety of interesting neighborhoods,” says Shift Local cofounder Marc Callado, who curates the passport program. Passports are valid August 1, 2016–February 28, 2017. Info: here

Oakland Indie Coffee Passport
August 1, 2016–February 28, 2017
Eleven participating independent coffee shops

Read our Spring 2016 story about the history of the Bay Area’s coffee culture: here