Sweet Times at the Oasis

All are invited to a day of honey tasting and free urban farming workshops at Biofuel Oasis.
Biofuel Oasis offers an afternoon of free urban farming workshops and a chance to taste and vote for the best East Bay honey. Learn about edible flowers, backyard beehives, raising baby chicks, grey water harvesting, biochar, and more. Celebrate the harvest with a 10{94d79dd6af1e87a94e700e4c297236468333f22e27ed5757b44711974a9a4b91} discount on all store items and 10 cents/gallon off on local recycled biodiesel at the Berkeley and San Anselmo stations. Kids welcome. Free. Info: here
October Honey & Harvest Tasting
Saturday October 1, 11am–5pm
BioFuel Oasis
1441 Ashby Ave, Berkeley

Photos courtesy of Biofuel Oasis.