Gleaning for Good in Hayward


Hayward cooks battle food waste with a memorable community meal

“You can talk about food waste intellectually or emotionally, but the most important way is viscerally,” says Hayward cook and community volunteer Marcy Timberman. And that’s why Timberman and her cooking partner Armand Harris prepared a mouthwatering four-course meal for 35 guests using foods that would otherwise have been tossed in the trash or compost. Their fall Gleaning Dinner made the most of excess tomatoes, zucchini, basil, apples, peppers, and beans. The event also gave community leaders, farmers, and educators an opportunity to network and strategize about ending hunger in Hayward.


Photographer Carmen Silva was on the scene to document the experience. Afterward, she assembled her shots into a slideshow, which you can find below. It’s a delicious taste of this great community project.

Info on Facebook: End Hunger and Homelessness in Hayward