Explore Urban Farming at the Oasis
If you’re eager to improve your urban farming skills, you’ll find plenty to do and learn at Urban Farm Day. Biofuel Oasis hosts this annual event featuring free demos and workshops on composting, backyard beehives, and wildcrafting (gathering plants and herbs from the wild). All store items discounted 10{94d79dd6af1e87a94e700e4c297236468333f22e27ed5757b44711974a9a4b91} and biodiesel is 10 cents off at the Berkeley and San Anselmo stations. Workshops are free; samples of kombucha and kraut offered throughout the day. Rain or shine. Info: here

Photo courtesy of Biofuel Oasis.
Urban Farm Day
Saturday March 10, workshops 11am–2pm
Discounts apply 10am–6pm
BioFuel Oasis
1441 Ashby Ave, Berkeley