Get Behind the Wheel!

The SF Cheese Fest expands to two days this year, offering a sampling of education and pleasure. The theme of “4 x 4” honors the event’s fourth anniversary along with the four milk types (cow, goat, sheep, and water buffalo) available for cheesemaking in California. Come meet cheesemakers from around the state and taste cheeses paired with breads, charcuterie, and sweets at the Cheesemaker Celebration. The next day, dip into a new series of Sunday Seminars available in collaboration with The Cheese School of San Francisco. SF Cheese Fest is the primary fundraiser of the California Artisan Cheese Guild. Cost: $79 and up. Info and tickets: here

Fourth Annual SF Cheese Fest
Saturday and Sunday, September 15 & 16
Cheesemaker Celebration September 15, 69pm,
Social Hall SF, 1270 Sutter St
See info link for details re: Sunday Seminars

Photo: Ellen Cronin