04:25:2020 10:00am: Food Forest Zoom Talk & Tour
Join in from the comfort of your living room as Sustainable Solano hosts a three-part Zoom event with leading permaculture expert, John Valenzuela. The introduction is followed by a video tour through several demonstration food forests in Solano County. The event concludes with a Q&A that delves into the exciting subject of home and community food forest gardens and how they can help form resilient neighborhoods that benefit all. See how capturing rainwater, roof water, and greywater can support a garden that works in harmony with nature. This Zoom event is open to the first 100 people who join that morning. Tickets and info: here
Sustainable Solano’s Virtual Demonstration Food Forest Garden Tour & Talk
Saturday April 25, 10–11:45am on Zoom

Watercolor and photo courtesy of Sustainable Solano