Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour Returns


Registration is open for the popular Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour, now in its 17th year. This award-winning annual tour of East Bay native plant gardens (running this year, like last, on Zoom) happens on four Sundays, April 25, May 2, May 16, and May 23, 10am–3pm.

The tours feature 25 beautiful native plant gardens in locations around Alameda and Contra Costa Counties plus a Q&A with each garden host, nursery tours, garden design and plant selection sessions, and much more. Participants can submit live questions on Zoom and share insights with others. Join for all four days or tune into the sessions that interest you most. No matter if you’re just getting started with native plant gardening or an old hand at it, you’ll leave this tour inspired with new ideas and information.

Don’t miss the kick-off on April 25 with ecologist Doug Tallamy—it will change how you garden! The author of several books about the relationship between native plants and wildlife makes a convincing case that native plant gardening is critical to help sustain and restore our native insect and bird populations. This won’t be a dry, somber talk, however. Tallamy’s caterpillar close-up photos alone are worth the watch, and he’s very entertaining and engaging.

Click here to sign up and to view the full event schedule. To see last year’s Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour recordings, check out the videos on the Tour’s YouTube channel and follow them on Facebook for updates, seasonal garden tips and more.