Reuse Rising

Matt Zimbalist delivers refill orders on electric cargo bike. At Re-Up’s spacious new location in Rockridge, customers can come in and refill their own containers. (Photos courtesy of Re-Up Refill Shop)
We first got to know the Re-Up Refill Shop as one of several residents at O2 Artisans Aggregate (O2AA), a former industrial site in West Oakland run by artisans with interests in environmental activism, who also looked for ways to reduce, reuse, and repurpose their on-site generated waste. The Re-Up Refill Shop was a perfect partner. In addition to offering customers a way to shop for ecological household supplies packaged in the shop’s (or customers’) refillable containers, the store has distinguished itself by offering delivery by electric cargo bike.
As Re-Up outgrew their space at O2AA, they looked for a larger space where they could reach more households through higher levels of local foot traffic and easier reach for deliveries.
“Our new space in Rockridge is much bigger, meaning customers are finally welcome to come inside to shop, and we have been able to add a bunch of new offerings including essential oils, nut butters, and a full bulk food section,” says Matt Zimbalist, who co-owns the shop along with Carly Fishman and Peter Lollo. “For us it’s an opportunity to be become more useful and convenient for folks, hopefully reducing more single-use waste.”
Doors to the new shop on College Avenue in Oakland opened on Saturday July 3, and daily hours will run 11am–6pm Thursday through Monday (closed Tuesday and Wednesday). Edible East Bay readers are invited to use the code EdibleEB for a 15% discount on first orders.
Read more about cofounder Matt Zimbalist and the history of the Re-up Refill Shop in our Winter Holidays 2020 story, Zero-waste Warriors and Art Activists Do Battle with Plastics.
Re-Up Refill Shop
6025 College Avenue, Oakland