Reduce Your Plastics Footprint During Plastic-Free July!
An international effort, Plastic-Free July began in Western Australia in 2011 to raise awareness and seek lasting solutions to the crisis of plastic pollution. In 2017, the City of Berkeley joined the effort when it declared July a “Plastic-Free Month.”
Each year since 2017, Berkeley’s Ecology Center has welcomed the public with Plastic-Free July events in an ongoing effort to help us all reduce our reliance on single-use plastic disposables, reduce plastic pollution, and move closer to a zero-waste lifestyle. Join in for any or all of these events during the coming weeks:
Start your month’s plastic-free journey with a waste auditing and alternatives demo on July 9. Get helpful ideas on replacements for plastics and a discount on plastic-free products at the EcoStore.
Attend the Plastic Free Pop-Up on July 19 at the South Berkeley Farmers’ Market. Stop by the Ecology Center’s help desk to learn what’s recyclable in Berkeley, get your recycling questions answered, and take home a prize for your recycling skills.
On July 23, “CompostGal” Lori Caldwell leads garden enthusiasts on a tour of the Ecology Center EcoHouse yard in Berkeley and leads a session on gardening without plastics and toxics. Topics include nontoxic pest control, making your own organic fertilizer, alternatives to plastic weed cloth, and general gardening questions.
On July 30 at the Saturday Downtown Berkeley Farmers’ Market, learn how to make dining out a plastic-free experience. Take home some tools to help your favorite local business go disposable free.
Your Zero Waste Home: Waste Auditing and Waste Alternatives
Saturday July 9, 11am–1pm
Ecology Center | 2530 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley
Plastic Free Pop-Up: Recycling 101
Tuesday July 19, 2–6:30pm
South Berkeley Farmers’ Market
Adeline and 63rd St, Berkeley
Plastic Free Gardening Workshop with Lori “CompostGal” Caldwell
Saturday July 23, 9am–2:30 pm (Sessions at 9–10:30am, 11am–12:30pm, and 1–2:30pm.
Please reserve a ticket and time slot; space is limited.)
1305 Hopkins St, Berkeley
Plastic Free Pop-Up: Plastic Free Eating
Saturday July 30, 10am–3pm
Downtown Berkeley Farmers’ Market
Martin Luther King, Jr. Civic Center Park, Berkeley