California Food Forests: Free presentation Feb 25 in Benicia

Joshua Burman Thayer at a favorite Sierra Foothills location.


Plants, like people, thrive in community. At a free presentation in Benicia on Saturday, February 25, 10am–noon, Joshua Burman Thayer, an ecological designer who works with permaculture strategies, discusses how nature evolves its plant communities so each member benefits from its associations with the others. That’s valuable knowledge to bring into the garden.

“When our earth is remembered as a living and responsive plant campus, we activate along with this planet’s inherent abundance,” says Joshua, author of Food Forests for First Timers. “Permaculture is a way of design that links resources, use and harvest into a connected whole. Although it is a complex system of design, permaculture is perfectly suited to community-scale production. By taking into account the local microclimate conditions, permaculture asks how many harvests and functions can be simultaneously realized from one plot of land. It challenges you to shift your focus from machine-centric gardening to plant- and home-centric gardening.”

Intro to California Food Forests with Joshua Burman Thayer
Sat, February 25, 2023, 10am–noon
Heritage Presbyterian Church, 1400 East Second Street, Benicia

Info and registration here.

Joshua Burman Thayer, author Food Forests for First Timers and owner of Native Sun Gardens has always had his hands in the Earth as he has traveled extensively throughout the Americas, working with communities around plants and food. Starting as a W.W.O.O.F. volunteer on organic farms throughout Latin America, to working as a laborer on organic C.S.A. farms back home in California, to apprenticing and working in Ecological landscape design, to doing native plant field research with renowned mentors, Joshua has become a lead designer and advocate for uniting ecology with aesthetic, creating beautiful, productive natural systems that work with nature to foster bounty. Joshua holds a degree Cum Laude from Humboldt State University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Engineering.