Set Up Your Garden for Success: March 16 Online

Building a healthy garden from the ground up will help you thwart pest and other problems throughout the growing season. Learn more on Mar 16.


Marigolds next to veggies invite good bugs that will keep your crops safe from pests! Learn more at the March 16 webinar.

Spring is around the corner, so it’s time to tune in for this free organic gardening webinar with the Alameda County Clean Water Program. On Thursday, March 16, 5–6pm, you’ll hear about the benefits of building a healthy garden from the ground up and you learn how to grow healthy plants with a water-wise approach and how your garden maintenance can help reduce pest problems. You’ll also get some tips on pruning. The one-hour class is ideal for beginning and intermediate gardeners and will include time for Q&A, so come with your questions! Register Now


About the Organic Gardening Webinar Series: Through May 2023, the Clean Water Program offers free monthly webinars about organic gardening and non-toxic pest control, in association with Our Water Our World. Classes are presented by Suzanne Bontempo, a certified Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Advocate and Charlotte Canner, a certified Gardening & Composting Educator. 

Missed a webinar? Find recordings and more on the Clean Water Program’s YouTube channel. To learn about non-toxic alternatives to fight pests in your home and garden, click here.