Meet a Cheesemaker, June 22, 6pm, online

Left: Michelle & Jack Rudolph courtesy of Stepladder Creamery. Right: Photo by Mike Larson.
Set out your happy hour spread and pull up a chair for a chat with San Luis Obispo County cheesemaker Jack Rudolph of Stepladder Creamery. It’s part of Meet the Maker, the California Artisan Cheese Guild’s educational series, where cheese enthusiasts, industry members, and food lovers get to meet the artisan producers who make our California cheese community so special.
Founded in 1870 as a cattle ranch, Stepladder became part of the Harmony Valley Creamery Association, and to this day, most of their 750-acre property is still free range grazing land.
Stepladder Creamery has been recognized as an award-winning cheese company with a cheese club, Sponsor a Goat program, farm tours, national distribution, retailer partnerships and farmer’s market presence in the Bay Area, Central Coast, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Join the conversation on June 22 to learn more about the history of Stepladder and about their delicious cheese offerings and happenings at their beautiful location. Meet the Maker is held virtually via Zoom and includes conversation and Q&A with each guest.
Meet the Maker: Stepladder Creamery
Thursday, June 22, 6–7pm on Zoom
Tickets to the event are $25 at Eventbrite
Stepladder has offered an option to purchase their Medium Cheese Bundle at 15% off so you can try their triple crème, soft, and hard cheeses. Go to the Stepladder website and enter discount code CACG15 at checkout.
The California Artisan Cheese Guild is a non-profit and a collaborative community of makers, mongers, distributors, food writers, and food safety experts. Our Mission is to celebrate the quality and diversity of artisan cheese produced in California through partnerships, outreach and education.

Photo by Mike Larson