Rhythms of the Land Screens September 14 at Grand Lake Theater

From left: Farmer Vermont Preston tends tomatoes, greens, purple hull peas, okra, kale, and watermelon in urban Atlanta. Filmmaker Dr. Gail Myers learns about the work in a cotton field.


Oakland filmmaker Dr. Gail Myers calls Rhythms of the Land a “valentine to generations of Black farmers.” The documentary premieres at the Oakland International Film Festival on Thursday, September 14 at the Grand Lake Theater.

Dr. Myers, a cultural anthropologist, visited 10 Southern states to interview 27 elderly Black farmers, gardeners, dairy ranchers, and a basket weaver about how they lived on and worked the land. The film has been an effective platform for discussion about land inequity, economic oppression, legacy foods, permaculture, and sustainable food systems.

Watch the film trailer here:

Read our interview with Dr. Gail Myers here

Try Chef Wanda Blake’s recipes for a Southern Farmer’s Summer Supper here


Premiere of Rhythms of the Land
Oakland International Film Festival

Thursday September 14, 5:30pm
Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Ave, Oakland
Cost: $15. Info and tickets: here