Celebrate Bay Area Women Journalists at a Spring Luncheon Buffet

Wente Vineyards Tasting Room, Livermore, CA (Photo courtesy of Wente Vineyards)
Come out to Livermore’s Wente Vineyards on Sunday, May 19, 11:30am–2:30pm for a spring luncheon buffet as the San Francisco Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier holds its Karola Saekel Craib Excellence in Food Journalism Fellowship Celebration. You’ll enjoy award-winning wines plus a lively and provocative conversation about challenges facing our nation’s food supply.
Since 2010, the San Francisco Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier has supported Bay Area women journalists through The Karola Saekel Craib Excellence In Food Journalism Fellowship. Prior awardees have included Novella Carpenter, Twilight Greenaway, Lisa Morehouse, Rachel Levin, and Bonnie Tsui. This year’s awardee is Teresa Cotsirilos, food reporter at Food and Environment Reporting Network . Recipients explore and report on food and beverage, agriculture policy, restaurant criticism, foodways, and food culture.
Roberta Klugman, who helped organize this event, is pleased that it’s being held at Wente Vineyards, a pioneer in local winemaking and sustainable vineyard practices. “Since its founding in 1883, Wente Vineyards has been a leader in sustainable practices and provides the apt backdrop for lively and provocative conversations covering sustainability, climate change, the environment, labor rights, food systems and our nation’s food supply,” she says.
Carolyn Wente, the winery’s chairman emeritus, will welcome guests to the luncheon event. Lisa Morehouse of California Foodways will introduce Teresa Cotsirilos. Margo True, editorial director of Civil Eats, will lead the discussion. Bay Area thought leaders Sibella Kraus of Sustainable Agriculture Education (SAGE), Jesse Cool of Flea Street Cafe, and Alice Medrich will be attending and contributing to the conversation. Fifth-generation winegrower and director of vineyard operations Niki Wente will talk about the wines and sustainability in the vineyards.
Karola Saekel Craib Excellence in Food Journalism Fellowship Celebration
Sunday, May 19, 11:30am–2:30pm
Wente Vineyards Events Center, Cresta Blanca Room
5050 Arroyo Rd, Livermore
Tickets are $100. Please register by May 13. Register here.
Questions? Contact rklugman@robertaklugman.com

Niki and Phil Wente continue the sustainability practices instituted by the previous generation of family leadership (Photo courtesy of Wente Vineyards)