Fall Harvest 2017
Plant to Plate
Richmond Students Thrive in the Kitchen and Garden Fifteen Richmond high schoolers learned to plant, cook, and arrive on time during a new after-school apprenticeship program that combines gardening, cooking, and job readiness. “I went outside of my comfort zone to try something new,” says Plant to Plate participant Samuel Solis, now a senior at…
Read MoreAdmiral Maltings
A Terroir for Beer? Admiral Maltings strives to make Bay Area beer truly local By Derrick Peterman It’s a fact that Bay Area brewers preaching “buy local” hate to admit: Their beer may be brewed locally, but the ingredients come from hundreds if not thousands of miles away. Much of the barley used for…
Read MoreDeaf Chefs Compete
What’s the Sign for Mozzarella Balloon? Culinary education thrives at the California School for the Deaf By Anna Mindess | photos by Nick Wolf High school students dressed in chef’s whites scurry around the kitchen preparing an ambitious Modernist Caprese Salad composed of mozzarella balloons, tomato sorbet, and colorful sliced tomatoes garnished with fried basil…
Read MoreThey Always Wore Aprons
Lorraine Battle renews a forgotten kitchen tradition Story and photos by Helen Krayenhoff “I don’t use an apron.” Lorraine Battle hears this over and over again as young people walk by the booth where she sells aprons near the Grand Lake Farmers’ Market. Often these same people stop anyway because they are attracted by Lorraine’s…
Read MoreChef Tu David Phu
Flavors of Home Vietnamese dishes and family stories come to the pop-up dining table Story and Photos By Alix Wall A few months ago at age 32, Chef Tu David Phu was named a “Rising Star Chef” in the San Francisco Chronicle. One could say that Phu’s rise began as this son of Vietnamese…
Read MoreWhat’s in Season?
Story and recipe by Barbara Kobsar Illustration by Caroline H. Gould Choosing produce harvested at its peak is your sure bet for flavor and freshness. AUGUST Now is the time to buy “shellies” (or “shuckies” or “shellouts,” as shelling beans are sometime called), since you might find some at the “in-betweener” stage at which they…
Read MoreEditor’s Mixing Bowl
It was well over a year ago that I first got a look at the painting destined to grace this issue’s cover. Helen Krayenhoff’s startlingly beautiful portrait of an autumn haul from the farmers’ market speaks eloquently of the season’s gifts to hungry creatures. (Yes, squirrels and bears are enjoying those now as well.) Throughout…
Read MoreWhat is a Food Forest?
On Plant Communities and Food Forests Permaculture concepts in action By Joshua Burman Thayer Plants, like people, thrive in community. As a landscape designer who works with permaculture strategies, I appreciate how nature evolves its plant communities so each member benefits from its associations with the others. That’s valuable knowledge to bring into the garden.…
Read MoreFood Storage Tips
Enjoy More, Toss Less: Smart Storage Goes a Long Way The Bay Area is blessed with a cornucopia of fresh produce, and the fall harvest brings a large assortment of delicious fruits and vegetables. The ugly downside of such abundance is that more than 40{94d79dd6af1e87a94e700e4c297236468333f22e27ed5757b44711974a9a4b91} of all food goes to waste on its journey from…
Read MoreThree Tahoe-Reno Area Events
Thoughts of the Sierra Nevada in early autumn always arouse my wanderlust. Here are some upcoming events in the Tahoe area I’ll be checking out. All three are bound to appeal to East Bay food and art lovers. —Cheryl Angelina Koehler, editor Friday–Sunday, September 8–10, all day Lake Tahoe Autumn Food & Wine Festival Northstar…
Read MoreBroth Baby and Preserved
Making Strides Two Oakland entrepreneurs share business savvy and advice as they walk the lake By Rachel Trachten | Photos by Robin Jolin Oakland business owners Cassandra Gates and Elizabeth Vecchiarelli make a habit of circling Lake Merritt together to brainstorm and offer each other morale boosts. “I’ll talk for the first 30 minutes, and…
Read MoreContents Fall Harvest 2017
Recipes Roasted Watermelon Radishes Asian-Inspired Celery Salad Apple Cake Carne En Su Jugo Lemon Grass Beef Linguine Tutto Mare Cambodian-style Chicken Salad Guide to Good Eats Source Guide Editor’s Mixing Bowl What’s in Season? Plant to Plate Food Storage Tips Harvest on Instagram They Always Wore Aprons Fun with Food Insults A Terroir…
Read MoreArtwork by Margo Rivera Weiss
Watercolor and collage by Margo Rivera-Weiss Pollinate Farm & Garden proprietor Yolanda Burrell with her family. Ink and watercolor, by Margo Rivera-Weiss
Read MoreFun with Food Insults
By Anna Mindess, Collector of Food Insults | Illustrations by Lila Volkas Place an eggplant on a plate and the shiny purple globe freely rolls from side to side. You may have never considered the vegetable in this light, but for Hindi speakers, the phrase “thali ka baingan” (eggplant on a plate) is a disparaging put-down…
Read MoreArtwork by Susan Tibbon
Artist and farmer Susan Tibbon stewards a small organic, biodynamic farm in northern Mendocino County and celebrates the wonder of nature in her etchings, paintings, and sculpture. “Zucchini” is the 26th in a 26-image series of vegetables (one for each letter of the alphabet) celebrating the gifts of the land. “Eggplant” is the fifth in the…
Read MoreGrowing Up with Giovanni Lo Coco
Giovanni Lo Coco immigrated to the United States from Porticello, Sicily, in 1962. His daughter, Suzanne Lo Coco, describes him as a man with “tremendous style and social grace … attractive, with black hair and piercing blue eyes, warm, humorous, and above all an extraordinary cook.” On arriving in San Francisco, Giovanni went to…
Read MoreLocal Harvest as Spotted on Instagram
We traveled around the Bay Area on Instagram for some local harvest inspiration. Here are some of our top picks. Instagram your food moments and use #edibleeastbay. You might see your photo here in next season’s roundup.
Read MoreCambodian Food in Emeryville
Noodle Soup Epiphanies Chef Nite Yun brings Cambodian food to Emeryville By Sarah Henry | Photos by Robin Jolin It took Nite Yun a false start or two before she found her calling. Yun, a Cambodian immigrant raised in Stockton, went to San Francisco State to study nursing. San Francisco, which she’d been obsessed with…
Read MoreSource Guide Fall 2017
Arts, Education & Entertainment ARTSPOT RENO Reno Mural Expo, October 13–15. Mural tours, workshops artist lectures, and a film screening. artspotreno.com/reno-mural-expo-2017 AUTUMN FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL Lake Tahoe’s premier food and wine festival, September 8–10. TahoeFoodandWine.com EAST BAY WALDORF SCHOOL Where Children Thrive. Located 20 minutes from Berkeley at 3800 Clark Rd, El Sobrante. eastbaywaldorf.org EMERYVILLE CELEBRATION…
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