Our maps project is the inspiration of longtime Edible East Bay contributor and staff artist Margo Rivera-Weiss. For over two years now, the magazine has included East Bay food-subject maps: Worker Cooperatives (Summer 2017), Food Justice Organizations (Fall 2018), Favorite Fish Tacos (Spring 2019), Favorite Scoops of Summer (Summer 2019), and Favorite Asian Noodles (Fall 2019). In this issue the map is on chocolate, and in a future issue we’re hoping to do pizza.

Margo’s work also spices up pages in nearly every issue and for over two years now has included East Bay food-subject maps: Worker Cooperatives (Summer 2017), Food Justice Organizations (Fall 2018), Favorite Fish Tacos (Spring 2019), Favorite Scoops of Summer (Summer 2019), and Favorite Asian Noodles (Fall 2019). In this issue the map is on chocolate, and next issue we’re hoping to do pizza.

Click on the images below to see the maps and read all about the places you can find in the East Bay area.