Volunteer & Donate



For those who are healthy and want to do hands-on work, there are plenty of opportunities. Most organizations are also in need of funding to serve people during this health crisis, so give as generously as you are able.

Volunteers and donations are always welcome at the Alameda County Food Bank and the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Counties

The Berkeley Food Network is going the extra mile to help local citizens-in-need. The Berkeley Food and Housing Project aims specifically at helping the local unhoused population.

Deliver food to homebound seniors through Meals on Wheels  and find more ways to help homebound seniors at SOS Meals on Wheels.

Help to prepare and distribute sack lunches at St. Vincent de Paul, or donate so they can serve even more.

To volunteer with Food Shift, contact info@foodshift.net

Find volunteer options statewide

Help out in East Oakland with Feed the Hood.

Refer someone else for CalFresh

Finds many ways to help out with Bay Area pandemic responses at Rooted in Resilience

Eat Real’s campaign to provide weekend school lunches and other emergency food services

The Spiral Gardens Community Food Security Project welcomes volunteers by appointment as well as donations.

The Gill Tract Community Farm has launched a fundraising effort to increase food production and distribution to low-income, at-risk community members.

The Mandela Grocery worker-owned cooperative offers a pay-it-forward Karma Jar, with donations used to help those in need buy groceries.