Margo Rivera-Weiss
Art Classes and Gratitude from our Cover Artist

It’s hard to choose a favorite among the covers Margo has created for Edible East Bay.
Many of our readers are already huge fans of this issue’s cover artist Margo Rivera-Weiss. Margo’s whimsical, captivating images frequently appear in the magazine, and Margo also shares their* artistry through teaching. Serious heath issues in recent months have prevented Margo from teaching, but they’re now feeling well enough to start up again. In response to the support given around their illness, Margo is offering free Gratitude Art Classes at the Women’s Cancer Resource Center and Laurel Bookstore. Visit their website for class details and read Margo’s story about Luz Calvo and Catrióna Rueda Esquibel, authors of Decolonize Your Diet, who are depicted on our Spring issue cover. You can also help Margo with ongoing medical expenses through this YouCaring site: here
Upcoming classes:
Watercolor Techniques Workshop
Saturday March 18, 11am–1pm
Laurel Bookstore
1423 Broadway, Oakland
Combining Watercolor with Collage
Saturday April 8, 11am–1pm
Laurel Bookstore
1423 Broadway, Oakland
Sketchbook Circle
Third Wednesdays, starting March 15, 6:30–8pm
Women’s Cancer Resource Center
5741 Telegraph Ave (at 58th St), Oakland
*Margo’s preferred pronoun