CoCo San Sustainable Farm

Explore Farming and STEM this Summer

Photos (teaser and above): Carole Topalian

Spend a fruitful summer learning about urban farming and gardening. The CoCo San Sustainable Farm is holding a free summer camp where teens and young adults can learn to build planting beds, start seeds, install irrigation, and grow fresh organic vegetables. Discover how our food systems interact with bees, weather, and the environment, and gain science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) knowledge and job skills. Sign up for two, four, six, or eight weeks: Monday through Thursday, June 18 to August 11, 8am–noon, plus an extra session Friday, August 10 to work on team posters presented on August 11. Light breakfast and healthy lunch included. Free, but donations welcome. CoCo San Sustainable Farm is easy to reach from the Solano Avenue exit off Hwy 4, just a mile west of Lowe’s in Martinez. Info: and here. Call 925.788.7374 with questions.

Summer Urban Farming Camp: ages 14 and older
Coco San Sustainable Farm
5500 Imhoff Dr, Martinez