Pineapple Tepache 

From Fun with Fermentation by the Monclair 4H


This easy-to-make low-alcohol wine is often sold on the roadside in places like Mexico and Central America where pineapples are grown. It can be made with pineapple rinds or the whole pineapple.

  • 2–3 pounds ripe pineapple or scrap pineapple rinds
  • ¾–1 cup raw low-processed sugar*
  • Whole spices like cloves, cinnamon stick, raw ginger, and cardamom pods (optional)
  • 1/2 to 1 bottle unpasteurized beer or 1/4 teaspoon wine yeast (optional)

Scrub pineapple well to remove dirt and dust. Chop into 2-inch cubes and stuff into a large jar adding water to cover. Cover jar with a cloth tied on with twine. Place outdoors in a sunny spot for 1 to 2 days, then strain out and compost the pineapple chunks.

Combine 2 cups of water with the sugar. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar is dissolved. Cool to room temperature and then add to the steeped pineapple water. Cover the jar again with the tied-on cloth and let sit in a shady spot, stirring at least once a day. If fine bubbles are rising within a day, the wild yeasts are working. If there is no action, add in the beer or the wine yeast. Let this ferment out of the sun for 2 to 3 days. On the last day, add in the spices (if desired).

Taste and strain and bottle tightly while still a bit sweet or drink as is. Place the bottled tepache immediately in a fridge for overnight carbonation. It will keep in the fridge quite well for around 5 to 7 days.

*In Mexico and Central America, low-processed sugar might be called jaggery or pinoncello, depending on the country. White sugar or a combination of light and dark sugars can be used for a lighter flavor.