Arts Time in Emeryville

M. Louise Stanley, Happy Birthday, gouache on paper, 2018, 40″x28″
A gala public reception with the artists kicks off this popular yearly event, which features works by 115 Emeryville-based artists and craftspeople. Come enjoy the variety of works, including paintings, sculpture, photographs, prints, textiles, ceramics, furniture, glass works, and poetry.
“I found that the work submitted for this year’s show reflects the artists’ concerns with issues that are affecting all Americans at this point in our history: homelessness, violence, immigration,” says Kathleen Hanna, exhibition curator and juror. All pieces on exhibit are for sale. Free admission to exhibition and opening reception. Info: 510.652.6122 or here
33rd Annual Emeryville Celebration of the Arts
Friday October 4, 6–9pm (artists opening reception) and daily October 5–27
The Pickleworks Building
1375 55th St, Emeryville