Expanding the Reach of Permaculture


Photo courtesy of EcoFarm.


Join in for a full-day event to explore ways to bring permaculture into the world beyond gardens and farms. City Repair has helped people in urban neighborhoods reclaim public spaces with art and celebration. Social Forestry connects villages and communities to their forested water catchment basin. Be part of a conversation about how these two systems can complement each other and how to implement them within a community. Cost $90 (includes lunch). Info and registration: here

This workshop on City Repair and Social Forestry is an EcoFarm preconference intensive. EcoFarm, held on January 22–25 is the oldest and largest organic farming conference in the West, featuring 70+ workshops, intensives, keynotes, farm tours, an exhibitor marketplace, tastings, seed swaps, mentorships, and organic culinary fare. Info: here


A Permaculture Collaborative: City Repair Meets Social Forestry
Wednesday January 22, 9am–5pm

Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove