Get Savvy about H2O


Photos courtesy of University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources



Want to better manage and conserve water in your garden? Come learn about irrigation design, installation, repair, and assessment with urban farming irrigation specialist Lori Palmquist. The workshop takes place at Alameda Point Collaborative’s urban farm, a two-acre site that produces fruits, vegetables, raw honey, and flowers. Cost: $10 at the door, cash only. Vegetarian lunch and farm tour included. Space is limited to 40 guests. Info: here or contact Julio Contreras at or 510.677.3524.

Saturday March 7, 10am–4pm
Alameda Point Collaborative’s Urban Farm  

2600 Barbers Point Rd, Alameda
(Park along Barbers Point Road in front of the farm. The small lot next to the farm is for housing residents, not for events, so please don’t park there.)