Late-Summer Cooking Classes with a Mexican Flair

Photos: Annelies Zijderveld
In these hands-on Zoom classes, Edible East Bay writer Annelies Zijderveld prepares a variety of Mexican dishes. You’ll make Calabacitas, a classic Mexican dish that uses in-season produce as well as a cauliflower taco with a zippy tahini glaze. These are great choices for vegetarians, vegans, or those wanting more meatless meals.
The second class features pambazos, a street food sandwich with griddled chorizo and a memorable chile sauce, and caldo tlalpeño, a chicken soup with chorizo and a touch of chipotle fire. Cost: $60 ($50 for 18 Reasons members) Info and registration:
Effortless Vegetarian Dinner for Busy People
Thursday September 3, 6-8pm
Flavors of Mexico
Thursday September 10, 6-8pm