Do You Need Funding for a Waste-Prevention Project?

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Attend a free webinar on January 20, 4–5pm, to learn about StopWaste grants to Alameda County businesses and nonprofits, including many for food-category projects. Applications are due by February 25.
This new cycle of grant funding in five categories is related to innovation in waste prevention. A total of $700,000 is available to Alameda County businesses, nonprofits, and institutions in these five categories:
Reuse & Repair
Food Waste Prevention Grants
Reusable Foodware Pilot Projects
Surplus Food Donation Equipment Grants
Reusable Transport Packaging Grants
Attend this free webinar on January 20, 4–5pm to learn more about the process and the types of applicants and projects eligible for funding. Register here
The application deadline is February 25. Grant info here