Organic Stone Fruit Jubilee & Small Farm Expo: June 24

It might be hot, but the stone fruit and frozen treats will be cool and delicious at this splendid summer farm experience at a unique historical farm park. (Photos courtesy of Eco-Farm)
Up for a road trip? Head down to Kingsburg Historical Park near Fresno on Saturday, June 24, 4–8pm to join the Ecological Farming Association at the 15th Annual Organic Stone Fruit Jubilee. Taste and purchase fresh produce from small farms that specialize in growing delicious varieties of nectarines, peaches, plums, pluots, and apriums plus fresh vegetables and value-added products. Pastry, ice cream, food, and beverage booths feature the varieties of stone fruit being celebrated. Lots of family entertainment and workshops plus air-conditioned indoor spaces for cooling off.
Cost: $10 entry fee
Organic Stone Fruit Jubilee & Small Farm Expo
Saturday, June 24, 4–8pm
Kingsburg Historical Park near Fresno
Cost: $10 entry fee
More Information here.