35th Annual Golden Gate Scion Exchange in Pleasant Hill, Feb 8, 2025
Mark your calendar for the Golden Gate Chapter California Rare Fruit Growers’s Annual Scion Exchange. At the event, gardeners trade scions from heirloom fruit varieties grown in Northern California. The event includes a free grafting class, demos, rootstocks for sale, fruit tasting, and a plant sale. Select from hundreds of varieties to graft onto your trees including almonds, apples, Asian plums, cane berries, cherries, currants, gooseberries, European plums, grapes, kiwis, mulberries, nuts, olives, other fruits, peaches, pears, persimmons, plumcots, pomegranates, quince, vegetable seeds, and seedlings that are seasonally appropriate for propagation. (Availability based on what is donated.)
Beginners are welcome, and you don’t need to bring scions for trade if you don’t have any.
What is a scion? It’s a detached living portion of a plant—such as a bud or shoot—that can be grafted onto rootstock to create a new plant that joins the strength of the rootstock with the desired characteristics of the scion. Gardeners interested in having heirloom varieties of fruit growing in their yard do this sort of grafting.
35th Annual Golden Gate Scion Exchange 2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025, noon–3pm
(CRFG members can arrive at 11am to join or renew before doors open to the public)
Diablo Valley College, Horticultural Nursery, Lot 9
321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill
Admission: $5
More info: At the GRFG website, details are being updated as the event grows closer, so check back!