Swap Your Crops (and more)!

Share your garden’s bounty and come home with someone else’s at these free weekly crop swaps. Some swaps encourage trading gardening tools and materials, recipes, baked goods, and tips on getting more involved in your community. Arrive on time for the best selection.

Mondays 6:30–7:30pm, through October
Ohlone Greenway
Sacramento & Delaware St

Info: https://www.transitionberkeley.com/newsevents.htm

Mondays & Fridays, 5:30–6:30pm, through October

Playndirt Crop Swaps

PlantGrowShare Community Garden, on the corner of San Joaquin St & Colusa Ave
Info: playndirt.com or plantgrowshare@playndirt.org

Tuesdays 6:30–7:30pm, through October
Community Center
1249 Marin Ave

Info: https://www.albanyca.org/recreation/special-events/swap-events

Saturdays 10:30am, through September
Malcolm X School Garden
Ellis St (btwn Ashby & Prince)

Info: 510.332.9456 or www.transitionberkeley.com/upcomingevents.htm

Sundays 1–3pm, starting August 6
Pollinate Farm & Garden
2727 Fruitvale Ave