Blueberry Pickled Fish
Any meat or fat that is stored in blueberries will become pickled, developing a unique color and flavor within a few days to a week. Clean and gut some fat trout or whitefish and then hang it to dry for three days. Hanging and drying are necessary to toughen the fish so it won’t fall apart.
Cut the fish into 2- by 4-inch pieces, removing any bloody or spoiled pieces. Mix this into a large bowl or jar filled with blueberry juice or juicy blueberries (fresh, or stored from last year). You’ll need enough juice so that the fish is completely submerged and can be easily stirred.
Keep cold and stir gently each day. It will be ready to eat when the color goes all the way through the fish. To check, cut a piece and see if the center is purple.
Eat the berries, juice, and fish all together as pickles with a meal, or with sugar for dessert.